We inadvertedly did not include killer comments from traders on the UK Retail Sales trade…
Here they are:
05:33:10 {Annie<EN>} 33 pips here – 😉
05:33:36 {freak30320<DE>} thank you so much dustin … 26 PiP�s with your settings WUUUUUHU!!!
05:34:52 {max} made 40 pips
05:35:00 {max} you are amazing dustin
05:35:09 {ltidwell} 33 pips
05:35:14 {DonaldC} In at 1.9679 out at 1.9712 33 pips
05:35:19 {blake} picked up 37 pips
05:35:25 {Jez_W<EN>} first trade just made �1200
05:35:28 {Jason_C} 34 pips
05:35:37 {amyb} got 35 and 43 pips
05:36:09 {DavidF} I closed out on the initial stall and got 34 pips, I’m happy thank-you!
05:36:16 {Giovanni_B<IT>} 33 pips 2 lots + 30 pips 1.5 lots. Thanks
05:36:29 {Jeffrey_M} 31 pips
05:36:35 {Robert_M.} In at 9679 Made 59 pips
05:37:15 {rick_c} 41pips profit
05:37:16 {Ka_L} Thanks a lot!!! Made good Money!
05:39:52 {Barry_B} i got filled at 1.9679 on gbp/usd and 231.45 on gbp/jpy. I made about 40 pips on each pair.
05:40:55 {Michael_K} 36 pips. in at 675 out at 711
05:43:12 {Robert_M.} correction : in at 9679 made 41 pips
05:44:05 {ja-man} yes still in up 45+ pips on gbPjpy
05:46:09 {Jim} Thank you Dustin, thank you, thank you, thank you….Up $20k+ this week on two trades
06:41:47 {ja-man} stil holding almost +60.