Our PMTP Alert for 12:10pm made the most impact on servers at FXCM — leaving the market and several other dealers and quote/feed providers confused…..I guess. It did cause a ripple and full reload in the productivity which was delayed by about 50 minutes. Comstock was in step, uniterrupted, but it appeared interbank liquidity providers were more in tune with the timing of the Alert and its precise ‘server-knockout’……….(I was amused and just making some fun by coincidence).
PMTP is high and dry until about 2:10am ET but I will still remain alert for any movement in Tokyo. Noted is our recent forecast for Gold to rise towards 1,028.00 to 1,089/1,139.00 even in the face of Dollar strength and rising yields, not sure this correlation will be ongoing. I smell a big burp in the FX Market soon to come.
Will try and deliver a new Forecast and Trade Alert when this noise gets cleared up. I don’t like trade ‘within’ the noise.