The Give-Back Initiative
A few days ago, I sent out an email about my vision of combining our love of trading, our drive to make profits, and our desire to help others in need.
And I explained how I would provide free access to some of my best institutional trading strategies to generate significant profits for members who join me in this initiative.
In turn, they will contribute a small percentage of those profits to a charitable fund, which will leverage the same institutional trading strategies to ultimately generate a self-sustaining stream of new money to help others.
The response has been amazing.
Within just the first eight hours, we received commitments from almost 40 people, pledging over $500,000.00 towards the initiative.
At this rate, I expect us to hit our initial goal of $3,000,000 in a matter of a couple of months and our stretch goal of $5,000,000 by late October.
There have been a number of excellent questions about how we will use the profits generated by the charity.
So, let me give you the details about just one initiative we’re working on right now.
I call it . . .
The Kenya Initiative
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
And there’s no place on earth this is more true, than in Kenya.
More than a half of the country’s population currently lives below the poverty line, living on less than one US dollar a day.
At least 1.2 million children of school-going age are not attending school, and about 80 percent of girls in some provinces are not even enrolled.
About 50 percent of its population is under twenty years old, and the majority are unemployed.
In order to stop this never-ending cycle of poverty, many experts point to the need for better access to education.
However, with poverty on the rise, very few have access to education. For many Kenyan families, it’s just too expensive, and besides, they need the children to work to support the family.
Kenyan girls are most affected by the lack of access to education. Since they are often considered to be of a lower status than boys, they are left to do menial chores such as collecting wood or water.
And, one of the ultimate tragedies is that many women are engaged full-time to transport water. Imagine spending every day of your life walking 20km each way to get the water, you and your family need to survive.
And as for the water, it is probably one of the most disgusting situations you’ve ever seen. It’s not unusual for women to be gathering water out of a small pond, while animals are peeing in it, kids are taking a bath it, and someone is washing their motorcycle.
Seriously, the water that flows in our gutters is better than what they have to drink. These Kenyan women would count their blessings to scoop up the water out of our gutters!
And the sad truth is every Kenyan child is born under a death sentence, and they know it. Unless they get an education, they are virtually assured of living and dying in poverty.
And that’s why the academic interest of the students is like nothing I’ve ever seen. When these kids have access to education, they study like I’ve never seen kids in the states study before.
That’s because they’re fighting for their lives.
Building Schools and
Providing Clean Water
That’s why we’re committed to building schools and hiring teachers to provide access to the education these children need to pull themselves up out of poverty.
We’re also setting up a system to gather and store clean drinking water.
Our goal is to build three new schools each year, and each of these schools will help 300 to 400 children.
As members of the initiative, why will we do this? Because we can afford it, and we’re in a position to help.
Certainly, no one needs an explanation about why a little 2-year old girl should have a clean glass of water, as opposed to one with animal waste in it.
That’s just a matter of basic human dignity.
And I’m sure you’ll agree, when you become aware of what’s happening in Kenya, it’s an emotional experience. It’s horrible.
But, what’s wonderful is that by simply doing what we love, trading and making profits, we can make a PROFOUND impact on the quality of life for people who deserve much better than what they were born into.
So, for those of you who have already joined me in this initiative, I thank you.
And if you haven’t joined us yet, I encourage you to do so.
It’s the ultimate win-win for you and for those who so desperately need help.
If you have not registered to get involved yet and would like to know more about the benefits for you as a trader check out my last post where I describe how it all works.
Hello, is there a minimum trading account size to join?
The strategy has limitation regarding how small of an account it can be applied to. $7500 to $10k is the lower end of the range.